On to the next first, cheesemaking. I tried, I really did. I read the directions probably 3 times before I started this adventure. I prepped, maybe I didn't use enough rennet, maybe the wrong milk, there are a lot of maybes but, a curd was not one of them. I tried to coerce a curd but, it looked more like milk throw up. 

Curds were not in my future. I stopped working on it, took a break, drove to the health food store and bought raw milk. This is probably the most milk I have ever purchased. Second attempt will come soon enough.
Somehow, I also managed to complete my first journal. I have been starting and stopping journals for the past 20 years, that can apply to sketchbooks too. I started the journal to do entries for Calling in the One, I stopped writing for that (waiting for my bff to do it too) but managed to keep writing, mostly everyday, at least one page a day since May.
My day of firsts closed out my first complete journal, seems appropriate.