Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trust is a union of intelligence and integrity.

I was planning on writing a blog post after the Women's March in Philly, after the political backlash on facebook, my anger boiling over from my interactions with friends and acquaintences.  I just needed to step back and take a minute because, this isn't what I wanted to blog about.  Instead, I decided to take a facebook break, embrace my calligraphy practice, walk more, and figure out my life.

I have been on facebook approximately 1/2 hour over the past two weeks.  This has been the best decision that I have made in awhile.  I haven't been pulled into other people's lives, scrolling, reading, commenting, and moving on.  It is a good feeling that I am more in control of my time then, this stupid website (although instagram...that's another story).  Also, events...I realized there is a proliferation of events to go to on facebook, I do not miss seeing them and simply being interested in them.

My self confidence has boosted, I am no longer comparing myself to others or wondering so much about the trajectory of my own life and what I might be missing out on.  I have started to become happy and loving myself more and more each day.  These are feelings that I haven't been acquainted with in quite a long time (if ever).  I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin, which I wish happened sooner than 35.

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