Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017!

New Year's Eve has never been my favorite night, there is so much built up around it.  This year I stayed home, made an epic cheese plate and hung out with my old cat.  I watched the ball drop and then went to bed shortly after.  It was probably the best New Year's Eve I have had in a long time.

No, I didn't eat it all. 

My girl, Skitz
I didn't make any resolutions or choose an intention.  I created a mind map, it helped with clarifying my goals.  2017, the year that I make many changes to become the person I want to be.

This is my mind map. 
While I sat on my couch on the 1st, watching tv I realized I was happy but, lonely.  I rejoined tinder.  I added photos that weren't terrible, I tried to add one that was hilarious that my niece took but, the app is shitty at best and I was unable to do so.  Then, it dawned on me a day later that I also rejoined tinder to not focus on the stuff that needs to get done.  MY GOALS.  MY MIND MAP!  Damn my mind trickery....focus...focus.

 I know it sounds like and sometimes feels like I am not doing much but...I am.  I woke up on the 1st and made a decent breakfast.  Carrot cake oatmeal.  I didn't take a picture because it isn't the prettiest food but, it was tasty.  The leftovers were even better because the raisins got a little plump, that's the way I like them, just a little bloated.

I've been practicing calligraphy every day for a little while now.  I'm trying out inks that I actually got last Christmas.  I decided a week or two ago to choose lady quotes to focus on.  I feel like I wasn't exposed to great things that women have said throughout history and for every one quote I find by a woman there are dozens more by men.  I just want to make them stand out a little more in my mind.

This quote is from the 1st.
I've also logged 4 miles outside over the past two days out of the 365 mile challenge I am participating in.  It doesn't seem like much but, it is for someone who is content chillin' with her cat in bed all day. That's right, I basically am promising myself to be active and outside all year long.  Anyone want to try snowshoeing?  Cross country skiing?  Hiking?

John Heinz Wildlife Refuge 

Ridley Creek State Park